Customer Testimonials

I would like to say a big thank you to St Albans Windows for transforming my home with new double glazing and a beautiful front door. Ps Thanks Dean you were right about the grey.

Mrs sharp St Albans

A big thanks to Dean and the team for such a fantastic installation They were very thorough from start to finish and the end result is fantastic I will gladly recommend you.

Mr J King Harpenden

Great service from start to finish on what I know was a tricky job great credit to your building team for getting my conservatory exactly how I wanted it Fantastic workmanship.

Dave Mc Night St Albans

We are very pleased with our new windows and doors and the friendly professional service you supplied Keep up the good work.

John & Trish Higginson Dunstable

Excellent workmanship from start to finish and really no pressure from salesmen which was refreshing in this day and age. I have already recommended you to several of my friends Good luck with your future projects.

Jan Marshalswick St Albans

Let’s discuss the right product for your home. Call our team anytime on 01727 884 606 

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